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In this book you will find deeply personal stories of people who triumphed over major challenges through their faith.

If that is where you are right now, or perhaps where you have been, these stories will encourage you and give you hope.

In this current season in your life, no matter how dark or difficult it may be, you can still find hope, you can still heal, forgive, renew yourself, find purpose and peace, through a relationship with and faith in Jesus Christ, like these overcomers!

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By Linda Stephens-Jones


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As an avid reader, I have never read a book so relatable or fulfilling that it taught and inspired!  Never has there been a vehicle that contains such a diverse cast of persons & couples and their challenges presented as such cohesive life lessons grounded in sincere faith.  After starting the book, I became so engaged that I forced myself to stop and reflect, to think deeply about the lesson in each journey and how I needed to strengthen my own existence through increasing my belief and faith that I do not journey alone.     

 Linda Stephens-Jones, PCC, CPLC, MSW 

LSJ Life Coaching & Training LLC

Raleigh, NC Metro Area


Release your fearsRefocus your time & energyRenew your life! 

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